The Journey Home

Jesus Jesus

Born in Bethlehem, to a virgin maid.
At a stable there, in a manger laid.
Jesus Jesus
Shepards came, wisemen saw,
His glory shown around them all.
Jesus Jesus

King of kings and Lord of lords,
He is God's blessed holy one.

Lived his life sinlessly,
Showed us all how to be.
Jesus Jesus
On a cross, sins he bared,
Paid the price,saved us there.
Jesus Jesus

King of kings and Lord of lords,
He is God's blessed holy one.

Life is hard,have a care?
Turn to him, lay it there.
Jesus Jesus
Sin abounds, around us all.
Turn to him, give them all to.
Jesus Jesus

King of kings and Lord of lords,
He is God's blessed holy one.

Jesus,Oh holy one,
Jesus, God's only son.
Jesus Jesus

He sits on high, where angles sing.
Jesus Christ,King of kings.
Jesus Jesus
When we're done,To heaven we'll go.
His holy presence, we will know.
Jesus Jesus

King of kings and Lord of lords,
He is God's blessed holy one.

Copyright©1993 James M. Griffey

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The Journey Home Copyright©2006 James M. Griffey